City of Mandurah
A council region home to over 80,000 residents, the City of Mandurah had come a long way since being officially declared a ‘city’ in 1990.
\ Challenge
But while Mandurah had grown and evolved dramatically in the 30 years since, the City was finding itself stymied by a complex brand architecture, undefined organisational values and without a clear voice to communicate to their residents.
\ Outcome
Block helped reimagine the City inside and out, the culmination of years of in-depth consultation projects spanning their internal values, community visioning, brand architecture and brand identity. The result is these many steps coming together to work as one brand and one organisation. The brand identity system brings order, clarity, and a voice of pride to the City – one that is true to its place and its people’s vision: ‘woven by waterways, a city with a village heart – our Mandjoogoordap’.